Vision & Mission

Our Vision

  • The vision of University of Computer Studies (Thaton) is to nurture well qualified graduates for contribution in the development of IT industry, society and community by offering enriched education programme.

Our Mission

  • To offer the academic programmes in the fields of Computing Science and Computer Technology
  • To support resources for teaching learning approaches
  • To give better teaching and learning experiences
  • To produce graduates who will be successful professionals in IT industry
  • To provide high quality education services for improving the employment opportunities of students

Aims and Duty

University of Computer Studies (Thaton) is opened with the aim of nurturing new generations who can keep abreast with different nations and producing IT professionals who are needed to the local area and the country. With the result of that the Union of Myanmar will become a modern and developed country. It is reported that in producing skilled practitioners with these aims, the Computer University of Thaton is teaching a total number of about 539 students in the Academic year 2024-2025. And it is able to teach almost about 1000 students in consequence of the classrooms at the present.