Computer Science Labs

Software Engineering Lab

Software Engineering Lab is reserved for hands-on lab sessions and experiments for the subjects such as software analysis and design, database system.

  1. HTML5+CSS (First Year, Second Year)

Design and Programming Lab

Design and Programming Lab is reserved for conducting hand-on programming lab sessions and experiments for the subjects such as Programming Logic and Design (C++), Java Programming, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Distributed Systems.

Data Mining Lab

Data Mining Lab is reserved for conductin hands-on lab sessions and experiments for Web Development Programming Language such as HTML, JavaScript, PHP, C#.

  1. PHP (Third Year CS Junior)
  2. HTML5+CSS (First Year, Second Year)
  3. C# (Third Year CST Senior)
  4. DBMS MySQL (Second Year)

Computer Technology Labs

Network and Security Lab

Subjects :

  • Computer Networks (Cisco Packet Tracer)
  • Computer Architecture and Organization (Model Sim_VHDL)
  • Arduino Fundamentals, Digital Logic Design
  • Linux Fundamental
  • Control Systems (MatLab)
  • Electronic Device (MultiSim), HTML5+ CSS)

Hardware Systems Lab

Subjects :

  • Circuits and Electronics
  • Embedded and Integrated IOT

Physics Laboratory

Practical experiments for Physics-related subjects such as Mechanics and Electronics are conducted in the Physics laboratory.

  • Mechanics (Hooke’s law & Static Friction)
  • Electronics (Resistors in Series and Parallel, Verification of Ohm’s Law & Kirchhoff’s Law)
  • Hooke’s law Apparatus set, Weight box, Friction board, Wooden tray, Material Box, Mechanics Box,
  • Electricity Box, Resistors with different values, DC Power Supply, Digital Multimeter and Breadboard/Project board

English Language Lab

Data Mining Lab is reserved for lab sessions and experiments related to Information Systems such as